外協采購員 Facility & Purchasing Coordinator
To the Facility responsibility, Coordinator must follow all LAB SOP’s. Must maintain confidentiality in accordance with LAB’s confidentiality agreement. Must perform all other miscellaneous duties as assigned by management. Will Pick-up and deliver samples. Must have a sense of urgency and able to work under time constraints. Must work productively in a team environment, contributing to the team’s goals and deadlines. Must possess strong follow-up skills on projects in progress, be service and quality driven, and possess a strong work ethic. This position also requires sufficient computer skills to use Windows, Word for windows, and Excel. To the Purchasing responsibility, Coordinator must follow all SOP’s. Maintain confidentiality in accordance with LAB confidentiality agreement. Must perform all other miscellaneous duties as assigned by management. Must supervise custodial duties for Laboratories and office areas. Will pick-up and deliver samples. Will Supervise facility employees and assist the manager in the Purchasing Department. Must have a sense of urgency and able to work under time constraints. Must work productively in a team environment, contributing to the team’s goals and deadlines. Must possess strong follow-up skills on projects in progress, be service and quality driven, and possess a strong work ethic. Requires a B.A Degree and a minimum of 3 years experience. Must have sufficient computer skills (Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, and statistical software). Demonstrated ability to manage multiple projects and meet critical deadlines. Demonstrated ability to work in a team-oriented environment. Must have knowledge and experience in dealing with compliance issues. Must have experience auditing pharmaceutical analytical laboratories. Perform other related duties as requested by your manger. 工作職責:1.遵循實驗室SOP,并且保密機密文件。2.負責取送樣品。3.有良好的時間管理能力。4.熟練運用計算機windows的word,excel access和統計軟件等。5.在采購過程中,也必須遵循實驗室SOP。職位概覽 為配合公司實驗室建設及開展檢測業務,杭州艾品公司特此招聘以下各個部門的各類層次人員 (Technician, Associate, Supervisor, and/or Managers): Analytical Chemistry; Analytical Development; Stability; Biopharma; Microbiology; Quality Assurance; Business Development & Marketing; Finance; Human Resources; MIS; ICVS; Corporate Planning & Scheduling; Purchasing & Facilities;注意:成功應聘者將由杭州艾品公司直接聘用并提供薪酬及福利待遇。所有雇員與長三角綠色制藥協同創新中心或其協同成立單位(包括浙江工業大學)將無任何形式的勞務關系。聯系方式 Contact Info: 人事經理 hr@irvinepharma-china.com 請按照下列格式書寫email主題:申請部門_職位_最高學歷_姓名。舉例,一位叫張三的申請者,最高學歷是碩士(MS),申請分析部門(Analytical Chemistry) 的HPLC Supervisor職位,則主題格式為:Analytical Chemistry_HPLC Supervisor_MS_Zhang San。同時,請按照同樣規則將所附簡歷命名。即其簡歷命名為Analytical Chemistry_HPLC Supervisor_MS_Zhang San.If using email to forward resume, please follow the renaming rules below: Department_Position_Highest degree achieved_Last name First name. For example, an applicant named Zhang San wants to apply for the position of HPLC Supervisor in the department of Analytical Chemistry. The highest degree he had is M.S. Then please write email subject as Analytical Chemistry_HPLC Supervisor_MS_Zhang San. On the other hand, please rename the resume to Analytical Chemistry_HPLC Supervisor_MS_Zhang San as well.
杭州艾品醫藥科技有限公司由浙江工業大學獨資創立,憑借與美國IPS公司的全面合作及長三角綠色制藥協同創新中心提供的全方位支持,專注于為意在出口制劑、原料藥等產品到歐美市場的在華醫藥生產企業提供符合美國FDA認可的全面藥品質量檢測及其它相關服務。 長三角綠色制藥協同創新中心是教育部、財政部批準的首批14個“2011協同創新中心”之一,由浙江工業大學牽頭,聯合浙江大學、上海醫藥工業研究院、藥物制劑國家工程研究中心、浙江省醫學科學院、浙江省食品藥品檢驗研究院等作為核心共建單位,由共同致力于提升科技創新能力和拔尖創新人才培養能力、服務和引領制藥產業轉型升級的高等院校、科研院所、企業和國際創新機構等單位聯合組成。
[展開全文] [收縮全文]浙江相關職位: KA代表 KA代表 KA代表 KA代表 培訓講師 醫藥信息溝通經理 醫藥信息溝通經理(杭州) 商務內勤 KA代表 學術推廣經理
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
浙江招聘企業: 浙江佐力藥業股份有限公司 河南宛東藥業有限公司 杭州安杰思醫學科技有限公司 浙江中法制藥有限公司 貴州益佰制藥股份有限公司 福成堂大藥房 杭州杏園科技有限公司 杭州諾康醫療器械有限公司 浙江正京元大藥房連鎖有限公司 杭州明興生物科技有限公司
職位發布日期: 2015-01-16