項目經理 - 生命科學(藥廠工藝設計) - 上海/北京
Role Summary/Purpose The Project Manager is responsible for providing holistic project management leadership throughout the Enterprise Solutions project; from conceptual design through manufacturing operation start-up.. The position is accountable for achieving quality and project objectives, in scope, on schedule, and within budget through team effective execution, as well as communicating program status and escalating issues when appropriate to facilitate transparency. Essential Responsibilities • Lead and manage the global project team from project conception through delivery and plant start-up.• Lead and work closely with all cross-functional groups in delivering effective Enterprise Solutions offerings and solutions• Ensure compliance with Finance, Accounting, Legal, Sourcing, EHS and other internal functional support processes• Manage global program resources, quality objectives, regulatory requirements, schedules, and program risks and making decisions based on business objectives• Manage/ execute all customer (government), vendor/supplier and consulting contracts • Coordinate efforts with facility and construction engineering partners and personnel• Chair Project Team meetings on a regular basis and issuing status reports and presentatiions to stakeholders Qualifications/Requirements 1. BS Degree in Chemical, Mechanical, Manufacturing Engineering or equivalent (defined as a BS and 10 years relevant work experience)2. 4 years relevant project leadership experience3. Project Management certification (PMBOK or similar)4. Demonstrated leadership of cross-functional project teams and an ability to drive project design plans to completion5. Familiarity with FDA and other regulatory standards6. Familiarity with ISO, cGMP and other biopharmaceutical regulatory guidelines7. Demonstrated success in building and leading collaborative global and cross-functional teams and relationships8. Demonstrated facilitation and negotiation skills in driving closure on product/program-related decisions/issues Desired Characteristics 1. Strong written and verbal communication skills2. Experience with conflict resolution and risk management3. 7 years of relevant project leadership experience4. Experience with entire NPI cycle of GEHC products5. Project management certification6. Ability to review/manage and explain project related finances including cash flow and budget spend for stakeholder reports and financial project audits7. Fluent in Spanish or Portuguese
GE 醫療集團隸屬于GE(通用電氣)公司,為全世界提供開創醫療護理新時代的革新性醫療技術和服務。GE醫療集團在醫學成像、信息技術、醫療診斷、患者監護系統、藥物研發、生物制藥技術、卓越運營和整體運營解決方案等領域擁有廣泛的專業技術,能夠幫助客戶以更低的成本為全世界更多的人提供更優質的服務。GE醫療集團還和醫療行業領袖加強合作,全力支持全球政策的發展,助力打造成功的、可持續的醫療體系。
GE醫療集團總部設在英國,員工分布于全球100 多個國家和地區,致力于為醫療專業人士和患者服務。
2009 年5 月,GE在全球啟動“健康創想”戰略。根據該戰略,GE 承諾在六年內投資 60 億美元用于改善公眾健康,通過創新科技降低醫療成本,增加醫療機會,提高醫療質量,以更低的成本為更多人提供更好的醫療服務,作為該戰略實施的核心業務部門,GE 醫療集團正在全世界范圍內為以更低的成本改善健康、挽救生命而不斷努力。
GE醫療集團從1979 年開始在中國開展業務,于1986年在北京成立了第一個辦事處。1991 年,航衛通用電氣醫療系統有限公司在北京成立,成為GE在中國的第一家合資企業。目前,GE 醫療集團在中國建立了包括獨資和合資企業在內的多個經營實體,擁有員工4,500 多名。GE 醫療集團在中國共擁有七個全球生產基地:在北京建有CT掃描系統、磁共振成像系統 和 X 光成像系統工廠,在上海有生命科學基地,在無錫建有超聲和患者監護儀設備工廠,在桐廬建有濾紙生產基地,在深圳建有醫用面罩生產基地。其中,在北京的GE(中國)醫療工業園區,占地 6萬平方米,是 GE 醫療集團全球最大的生產和研發基地之一。
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
上海招聘企業: 百進冠合(海南) 醫療科技有限公司 上海華茂藥業有限公司 上海信誼藥廠有限公司 上海強生制藥 歐姆龍健康醫療(中國)有限公司 青海瑞成藥業(集團)有限公司 上海交通大學醫學院附屬瑞金醫院 復旦大學附屬中山醫院 上海復星醫藥 上海醫藥集團
職位發布日期: 2015-01-16