Department Chair of Surgery 外科主任-Shanghai-00472
部門概述上海和睦家醫院(SHU)是納斯達克上市公司美國Chindex集團(股票代碼:CHDX)和上海長寧區中心醫院共同組建的合資醫院,于2004年12月1日開始營業。上海和睦家醫院的宗旨是:在家庭般溫馨舒適的就診環境里,為患者提供獨特的、全方位的醫療服務。上海和睦家醫院具有自己特定的建院目的,是一家獲得JCI國際認證的綜合性醫院,擁有來自全球的高水平醫務人員,同時可與全球40多家保險公司直接結算。上海和睦家醫院設有24小時開放的急診室,可為患者提供門診和住院服務,醫院還配備了一流的手術室、放射科、藥房和化驗室。上海和睦家醫院在選擇具有國際背景的高級醫生和本土專家時,不僅考察其培訓經歷和專業知識是否卓越,還要考察他們的同情心、同理心以及是否真正有興趣在多元文化環境中工作。除了具有高水平的醫療團隊外,上海和睦家醫院還與來自地方教學醫院及亞洲地區醫療機構的醫學教授和顧問建立了良好的工作關系。上海和睦家醫院是值得您信賴的健康伙伴!職位概述The Chairperson of Surgery acts as the primary medical administrative officer for his or her department. He/she is responsible for all administrative and medical activities occurring within their departments and must account for departmental performance — especially any identified problems. 崗位職責1. Submit written reports to the MAB (Medical Advisory Board) concerning the findings of the department's patient care evaluation and monitoring activities (e.g., Peer Review cases) and any resulting actions;2. Manages surgery services. Formulates plans and procedures for surgery services. Schedules operations and assigns surgeons, nurses, and medical technicians. Directs nurses in procedures for preoperative and postoperative care of patients and operating room techniques. Advises on kind and quantity of supplies and equipment. Coordinates surgery services with other medical activities.3. Make recommendations for maintaining and improving the quality of care provided in the department and the hospital, and any other matters the MAB considers appropriate for reports;4. Develop and implement departmental programs, in cooperation with the CMO and other committees as assigned by the CMO for:5. As a member of the MAB, provide input on medical policies of the hospital, and make specific recommendations regarding her or his own department;6. Continuously review the performance of all physicians with clinical privileges and specified services in the department, and regularly report the findings of such reviews to CMO, the MAB, and the quality improvement committee;7. Transmit recommendations concerning clinical privileges, specified services, or corrective action with respect to physicians in the department to the MAB and the CMO;8. Appoint and designate chairs for any intradepartmental committees that are necessary for conducting department functions;9. Enforce medical staff bylaws, rules, regulations, and policies within the department, and initiate investigations of clinical performance or order consultations, when necessary;10. Participate in every phase of administration in the department, such as cooperating with nursing services and administration in matters affecting patient care, including personnel, supplies, special regulations, standing orders, and techniques;任職條件1. Doctor of medicine degree (or equivalent) from an approved school of medicine2. Minimum three years of residency training in surgery at a hospital and program acceptable to the Chief Medical Officer3. Minimum 3-5 years experience at an clinical administrative level preferred
[展開全文] [收縮全文]熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
上海招聘企業: 百進冠合(海南) 醫療科技有限公司 上海華茂藥業有限公司 上海信誼藥廠有限公司 上海強生制藥 歐姆龍健康醫療(中國)有限公司 青海瑞成藥業(集團)有限公司 上海交通大學醫學院附屬瑞金醫院 復旦大學附屬中山醫院 上海復星醫藥 上海醫藥集團
職位發布日期: 2015-01-21