Family Medicine Residency Program家庭科培訓項目-Tianjin-00591
部門概述和睦家醫療集團是中國境內第一家按國際標準設立、診療技術領先的綜合性醫療機構,我們的宗旨是:在家庭般溫馨舒適的就診環境里,為患者提供獨特的、全方位的醫療服務.職位概述United Family Healthcare Family Medicine Residency Program和睦家醫療家庭醫學科住院醫師項目UFH Family Medicine FellowshipRecruitment Summary和睦家醫院家庭醫學科在職培訓醫師招聘簡要Job title: Family Medicine Fellowship Physician職位:家庭醫學科在職培訓醫師Location: Fellowship will start off in Beijing and will rotate to different UFH facilities from time to time. Upon completion of training, if still during active contract period, fellows will be expected to work in the market designated for them at the time of hiring which currently includes Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Tianjin,醫師會在北京開始培訓,隨后到和睦家其他城市做分別的實習。醫師完成培訓后,如還在契約期間,會分配到提前約定的城市包括北京,上海,廣州和天津工作。Description about position: Fellows will see a wide array of patients while supervised by experienced family medicine faculty. 位置的描述:培訓醫師將有機會見到各類疾病的患者,同時有經驗豐富的家庭醫學導師進行教學。Training Curriculum The training curriculum is divided up into three tiers with fellows having more autonomy with each advanced tier. Each tier is passed after satisfactory completion of individual rotations as determined by preceptors and/or relevant examinations. Each tier will take on average 12months to pass but residents may take longer or shorter time depending on their previous training. 培訓課程 整個培訓課程分為三個等級,使得每個實習醫師對自己提前完成的培訓等級有更多的自主管理權。若輪轉期科室指導老師對實習醫師的表現給予滿意的評價或者通過相關考試,即視為通過該等級課程。每個等級課程平均12個月,根據實習生之前的培訓效果時間可長可短。Primary job functions: Participate in the three tier evaluation process. Each tier includes clinical rotations(direct patient care) and evaluations such as verbal or written testing.主要工作職能:參加三個等級的評估過程。每個等級包括臨床輪轉(看病)和評價,如口或書面考試。EvaluationFellows will be evaluated on each rotation by their preceptor. In addition, fellows will participate in other validated assessment tools such as American Board of Family Medicine’s in-service exams效果評價在每個科室輪轉期間,科室帶教老師將會定期對實行醫師進行評估。另外, 實習醫師會參與美國家庭醫學協會在職考試評估測驗,或其類似的評估測驗。Salary: Competitive salary with benefits. Salary will progress with passing of each tier. An estimated time is one year for each tier but exact timing will depend on the previous experience level and progress of individual physicians.優薪與福利。薪水將隨每一等級而增長。一個等級的時間估計為一年,但確切時間將取決于醫生個體以往的經驗水平和進步的程度。Additional job functions include but is not limited to quality improvement, marketing projects as required of other UFH physicians. Physicians will be expected to be ambassadors for UFF and good primary care practice.其他職責需求包括但不限于其他和睦家醫生安排的質量改進、市場推廣項目。醫師將有望成為和睦家醫院及優秀家庭醫學的大使。Minimum Requirements: 最低要求:Chinese mainland citizenship preferred中國國籍優先Education教育Master level or above with at least 2 years of direct patient care experience. Has had direct patient care experience in at least one of the the following specialties: General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology.碩士或以上學歷,至少有2年的直接管理病人的經驗。至少有以下直接管理病人的??平涷灒浩胀ㄍ饪?,內科,兒科,婦產科。Must have completed 3 year residency program (輪轉) in a Chinese government approved program or overseas medical clinical experiences.必須已經完成了中國政府批準的3年住院醫師輪轉項目, 或海外醫療工作經驗。Language abilities: Should have good mandarin Chinese and English skills語言能力:具有良好的普通話和英語技能。Licensing: Candidates must職業執照in the Chinese health system at the time of hiring.執照:應聘者必須在聘用時已具有中國衛生系統的執業醫師執照。Opportunities 機會During Training 培訓過程中Participate in a curriculum written by experienced family medicine faculty with previous experience in family medicine residency programs in the United States參加由有美國住院醫師培訓經驗的家庭醫師所編寫的課程Be mentored by an international team of family physicians who have trained in and practice family medicine in China and all over the world接受中國和世界各地的家庭醫生所組成的國際醫療團隊的指導培訓Be taught by an international team of specialists who have trained in and practice in China and all over the world with other family physicians接受中國及世界各地的??漆t生所組成的國際醫療團隊的教學Take regular assessments similar to examinations offered in the United States to family medicine residents定期參加類似美國家庭醫學住院醫師的評估考試Upon Successful Completion成功完成后Will be able to work in an English speaking international healthcare environment comfortably 將能夠在一個講英語的國際醫療保健環境工作Help train other family physicians for UFH and China在和睦家醫院和中國幫助培訓其他家庭醫生Be eligible for full employment at one of UFH’s markets. UFH physicians have the following benefits 有在和睦家醫院獲得就業的資格。Other: 其他5 year employment contract5年的聘用合同UFH does not make any promises regarding ability of employees to get residency permits.和睦家醫院并沒有作出任何承諾員工能夠獲得戶口United Family Healthcare Center for Primary Care Practice and Education Family Medicine Training Program Topic: Planned Family Medicine Fellowship Meeting: Information for Potential Applicants Date/Time: Tian Jin(Jointly Recruitment with ER Fellowship):Thursday March 6th, 2014, 16:00 – 18:00 Bei Jing(Jointly Recruitment with ER Fellowship) : Friday March 7th,2014, 12:00 – 13:30hrs Shang Hai: Saturday March 15th, 2014 12:00 -13:00hrs Guang Zhou: Friday March 28th, 2014 18:00 -19:30hrs Speaker Dr. Evelyn Fang MD MPH Chair of Family Medicine Training Program Director of Center for Primary Care Practice and Education Dr. Hosoda Setsuko Program Director of CPCPE Family Medicine Training Program, Location Tian Jin Tian Jin United Family Hospital # 22 Tianxiaoyuan, Tanjiang Road,Hexi District, Meeting Room Bei Jing Beijing United Family Hospital #2, Jiang Tai Road, Chao Yang District Building 1, 5F, Meeting Room Shang Hai Shang Hai United Family Hospital (live) # 1139, Xian Xia Road, Chang Ning District Yurt Guang Zhou United Family Guang Zhou Clinic (live) 1F, Annex Building, PICC Building, # 301, Guang Zhou Ave Middle, Guang Zhou Meeting Room Contacts: Ms. Angela Xiong 010-5927 7571 136 1138 1717 WebEx recruiting meeting is available at same time, please email for WebEx information. If you are interested, please fill out the application firm. The form link is United Family Healthcare - UFH Family Medicine Training Program如果你對我們的項目有興趣請填寫網上申請表,申請表地址United Family Healthcare - UFH Family Medicine Training Program崗位職責1. Primary job functions: Direct patient care, learning skills and increasing knowledge so may become full functioning family medicine physician. Assist with less experienced junior medicine physician. Assist with less experienced junior physicians.2. Secondary job functions: Quality improvement, marketing projects as required of other UFH physicians as well as additional duties as assigned by the training program faculty.任職條件1. Education: Master level or above with at least 2 years of direct patient care experience. Has had direct patient care experience in at least the following specialties: General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology.2. Physical requirements: Able to perform duties of a physician independently in a timely manner3. Language abilities: Should have strong Mandarin Chinese and English skills.
[展開全文] [收縮全文]天津相關職位: 醫藥信息溝通經理
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
天津招聘企業: 英集(天津)文化科技有限公司 青松醫藥集團股份有限公司 天津紅日藥業股份有限公司 天士力醫藥集團股份有限公司 天津華裕生物科技有限公司 天津暢潤華生物科技有限公司 天津海金正略科技發展有限公司 天津紅日康仁堂藥品銷售有限公司 天津遠泰醫藥貿易有限公司 天士力醫藥商業有限公司
職位發布日期: 2015-01-21