Head nurse 護士長-Nanjing-00485
部門概述和睦家醫療集團是中國境內第一家按國際標準設立、診療技術領先的綜合性醫療機構,我們的宗旨是:在家庭般溫馨舒適的就診環境里,為患者提供獨特的、全方位的醫療服務.職位概述自1997年成立以來,經過16年的發展,和睦家醫療集團已站在了中國醫療行業的前沿。目前,在北京,上海,無錫,天津和廣州分別設立了醫院及診所,并在當地都能夠提供一流的、高質量的國際標準醫療服務。其中,北京、上海和天津和睦家醫院已經通過了國際聯合醫療委員會的認證,并且是中國唯一獲得該認證的醫療集團。員工總數近2200名,并處于不斷壯大和發展中。 2014年,和睦家醫療集團將與江蘇檢驗檢疫局合作成立南京和睦家健康管理中心,致力于開展高端體檢和健康管理業務。該中心將秉承和睦家一貫的服務理念和國際標準,通過和睦家完善的管理體系、經驗豐富的醫療團隊和高效的管理團隊,運用國際先進的體檢技術,在溫馨、舒適的環境中為客戶提供優質的服務。 優質的服務需要優秀的員工。南京和睦家健康管理中心一如既往的堅持以人為本、關愛員工的企業文化,提供完善的員工福利體系、舒適的工作環境、和諧的工作氛圍以吸引來自國內外的優秀人才。在南京和睦家健康管理中心即將成立之際,我們誠邀與和睦家有著共同追求的您加入這個大家庭,在這個富有生命力的全新平臺上共同發展!如果您喜歡不斷革新、富有創造力,希望與和睦家一起共同推動中國高端體檢服務事業的發展,歡迎加入我們!Since its establishment in 1997, United Family Healthcare(UFH) has stood in the forefront of China’s medical industry. At present, UFH has set up hospitals and clinics in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuxi, Tianjin and Guangzhou,All of these facilities provide first-class, high-quality international standard medical care. UFH has nearly 2,200 employees and is constantly growing and development. In addition, Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin United Family Hospitals have received the only Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation in China. Nanjing United Family Health Management Center will be built by United Family Healthcare and Jiangsu Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in 2014. This facility will be committed to providing high-end medical care and health management services. This center will continue the tradition of providing superior quality service for clients in a uniquely warm and comfortable environment. It will feature experienced medical teams and efficient management teams and the latest in international advanced medical technology. Providing quality service requires an excellent staff. We are looking for caring, people-oriented employees to work harmoniously in a comfortable work environment where providers can share their talents from experiences both home and abroad. We invite you to consider a position with the United Family Healthcare Family at our new Nanjing location. If like United Family, you like innovation and creativity and have a dream to promote the development of quality medical care for China, we invite you to join us!崗位職責1. Carry out the policies and procedures of United Family Hospital. In charge of nursing department o fthe Center. Ensures the quality of care provided to patients. Coordination between nurses, and physicians as well as other departments.2. Nursing staff scheduling, assignment and evaluation3. Nursing workflow planning and execution.4. Establish standard of care in the center5. Works out and improve the relevant policies and procedures according to the clinical needs6. Maintain the quality of daily nursing.7. Ensure hospital policies and procedures are carried out properly.8. Interact and promote relationships between staffs and other departments.9. Coordinate with the different department and assit the GM in achieving the overal goal of the center.10. Quick and efficient response to unusual issues11. Overall evaluation for nurses working behavior and attitude12. Allocate nursing staff reasonably depends on workload13. Assess department nursing staff clinical competence14. Work as register nurse whenever necessary15. Responsible for nursing staff performance review/update job description accordingly.16. To hold the nurse’s monthly meeting and keep records17. Arrange case presentations to share clinical experiences and professional information.任職條件1. Minimum Education Requirement- bachelor degree in nursing2. Minimum Experience Requirement- > 10 years working experience in nursing. . Nursing leadership experience preferred.3. Licensing Needed – RN in China.4. Excellent interpersonal communication skill in both English and Chinese5. Excellent clinical skills.6. Excellent leadership and management skills.7. Excellent staff teaching /training skills.8. Very willing and dedicate to work.9. Competence to response unusual cases.10. Understand health bureau policies11. Understand United Family Hospital’s policies and procedures12. Efficient nursing knowledge in general
[展開全文] [收縮全文]江蘇相關職位: KA代表 培訓講師 培訓講師 醫藥信息溝通經理 醫藥信息溝通經理 醫藥信息溝通經理(南京,鎮江,揚州,泰州) 醫藥信息溝通經理(南京,鎮江,揚州,泰州) 醫藥信息溝通經理(南京,鎮江,揚州,泰州) 醫藥信息溝通經理(南京,鎮江,揚州,泰州) 醫藥信息溝通經理(蘇州,無錫,常州)
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
江蘇招聘企業: 吉林萬通藥業集團藥品經銷有限公司 江蘇吉貝爾藥業有限公司 魚躍醫療 徐州新沂市鐘吾醫院 麗珠醫藥集團股份有限公司 無錫道生中醫文化發展有限公司 廣東眾生藥業股份有限公司蘇北辦事處 江蘇大豐同仁醫院 江蘇南中醫豐盛健康城有限公司 江蘇南京溧水區中醫院
職位發布日期: 2015-01-21