Medical Staff Assistant 醫務辦公室助理-Beijing-00849
崗位職責•Provide administrative support for CMO.oCalendar of meetings and appointmentsoFiling oPerform other duties as per CMO•Prepare, coordinate and keep the record of Medical Staff meetings and activities:oMS morning rounds presentations, MS Thursday meetings (business meetings, oCME, Clinical Departments` meetings, MS Grand Rounds) other MS meetings, oTake minutes of Medical Staff monthly meetingsoPresentations and seminars•Credentialing and PrivilegingoMaintain, update credential files of BJU medical staff and outside consultants. oKeep MS privileging schedule (temporary privileges, appointments and reappointments)oPresent physicians’ files to MAB for approval of privileges and reappointments.oKeep the documentation of emergency privileges.oMaintain updated clinical privilege forms.•Policies and proceduresoMaintain the MS Bylaws Rules and Regulations.oHelp in creating and keep the MS policies and procedures (credentialing, privileging, etc.).•Keep the documentation of Peer Review cases.•Q.I. Committees/DepartmentsoCreate the Committees` monthly meeting schedule oTake minutes and keep the record of the BJU Committees` meetings and provide administrative support, follow-up, etc.oKeep the record of Clinical Departments` meetings.oTake the minutes of Consultants` activities monthly meetings.•President of Medical StaffoOrganize and serve as vote teller for President of Medical Staff annual election.oProvide administrative support for President of Medical Staff.•Give a brief orientation for new members of Medical Staff on MS activities, credentialing/privileging process, Bylaws.•Cooperate closely with HR, IT, Consultants` liaison office and QAS on any issue related to MS.任職條件•College Graduate•Previous medical staff administration or hospital administration experience preferable •The ability to work independently•Very good organization and planning skills•Good communication skills (oral and written)•The ability to coordinate multiple tasks•A working knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, MS Power Point, Outlook)•Be familiar with Joint Commission International Accreditation standards and requirements職位概述Provide administrative support for the Chief Medical Officer and President of Medical Staff部門概述和睦家醫療集團是中國境內第一家按國際標準設立、診療技術領先的綜合性醫療機構,我們的宗旨是:在家庭般溫馨舒適的就診環境里,為患者提供獨特的、全方位的醫療服務
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職位發布日期: 2015-01-21