Medical Information communication
To communicate directly and proactively scientific information on the product within the approved label as well as information related to the therapeutic area to KOLs and broader external audiences, including participation in formulary discussions as appropriate.
To respond to scientific queries of customers for approved products and products/indications in development, based on Medical Information documents.
To organize and moderate advisory board meetings in cooperation with the Therapeutic Area Physicians (TAP) or Therapeutic Area Head (TAH).
To provide medical and product training and scientific support to Sales Representatives in coordination with Training Department as appropriate.
To act as a reference point to Sales Representatives for any scientific query, in collaboration with TAP.
Medical Education and Medical Program& Activities
To organize Medical Education activities including program development, speakers selection and support.
To represent the company within therapeutic area professional associations
To maintain updated knowledge about clinical activities and studies.
KOL Development and Maintenance
Proactive and reactive communication of medical scientific data to KOLs
Through scientific interactions with Leading Specialists, champion medical benefits of products and contribute to foster innovative therapeutic approaches to benefit patients
Company Medical Affairs Plan/product plan Design
Through scientific interactions, gain valuable insight into treatment patterns, and scientific activities in the therapeutic area and provide input to the company Medical Affairs Plan and product design processes.
· Medical science, pharmacology with Master degree or plus Medical Doctor of related TA or PharmaD preferred
· Comprehensive knowledge of related therapeutic area, strength in research and interpretation of medical data
· Strong influence skills and communication skills able to establish and maintain partnership with KOLs
· Independent and motivated
· Understanding GCP Principals and HCC requirements
· 2-3 working experiences in related therapeutic areas
· Related industry working experiences preferred
· Good command of English, fluent at writing, speaking and listening
西安楊森公司獲得眾多獎項和贊譽,比如《財富》雜志評選的“中國最受贊賞的外資企業”及“人力資源經理眼中的熱門雇主”;中國中央電視臺 “2005CCTV中國年度雇主”;CRF評選的2007-2008年度北京地區“中國杰出雇主”;2008年與強生在華公司一起榮獲“第六屆中國大學生最佳雇主獎和進步飛速獎”稱號,和2009年“第七屆中國大學生最佳雇主獎”,并位列醫藥行業第一名。2010年強生在華公司榮獲“第八屆中國大學生最佳雇主制藥/醫療行業最佳雇主第一名”。這是繼上屆強生公司獲得醫藥行業第一名后再次蟬聯這項榮譽。
廣東相關職位: OTC銷售代表-深圳 市場推廣經理 醫藥信息溝通經理(廣州) 銷售總監 醫藥招商經理 質量管理部部長 固體車間主任 設備管理員 質量負責人 商采總監
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
廣東招聘企業: 中山大學附屬第一醫院 廣東奧博藥業有限公司 廣州肯愛醫藥生物技術有限公司 珠海柯諾醫療科技有限公司 廣東宏健醫療器械有限公司 貴州益佰制藥股份有限公司 深圳華聲醫療技術有限公司 廣州市天河區棠下街社區衛生服務中心 廣東聯合亞太食品藥品物流股份有限公司 廣東聯合亞太食品藥品物流股份有限公司
職位發布日期: 2015-07-02