Quality Engineer(品質工程師)
Main Purpose:
? Responsible to assure that manufacturing processes comply with the product specification and regulatory government agencies requirements. Provide mechanisms for controlling the total quality and establish ways of evaluating the quality of our products. Participate on internal, interfacility and vendors/suppliers quality audits to determine the extent of compliance and effectiveness of operations, to documented policies, procedures, specifications, FDA and ISO requirements.
Key Accountabilities:
? Assure that processes comply with specifications, Quality Systems Regulations and ISO standards.
? Document that processes complies, with a high confidence level, the tolerances stated on the product specification and drawings.
? Establish mechanism to evaluate, measure, monitor and/or quality in our products.
? Evaluate product/material discrepancies. (PRB/MRB) on time, and implement corrective actions accordant.
? Work on new product transfers and actively participate in the qualifications and validations of product/equipment and processes.
? Provide check and balance to manufacturing/system changes submitted by manufacturing Engineers.
? Work on special projects assigned by Supervisor/Manager.
? Support manufacturing activities by also participating on production meetings.
? Update manufacturing processes in order to reflect quality concepts and specification requirements.
? Apply statistical tools in order to assure that processes comply with the specifications.
? Ensure compliance to audit findings in a timely manner.
? Coordinate qualification and validation activities for all product and technology transfers.
? Participate on internal quality audits by reading and understanding the audit plan, check list, and performing initial meetings with auditor. Participate in the generation of the written report of findings and in the wrap-up responses to assure corrective actions are implemented.
? Evaluate/Approve Engineering change request/orders.
? Conduct failure investigations in order to initiate, stimulate, and assign corrective action. Issue written reports and update, accordingly.
? Provide engineering counseling to less experienced engineers.
? Promote an ethical behavior.
? Flexibility and adaptability
? Team work
? Detail oriented
? Patience and perseverance
Experience and Knowledge:
? Minimum 3 years experience in Engineering related to manufacturing of small electro/mechanical devices preferably in a quality assurance or test related capacity.
? Must have an aggressive practical personality capable of recognizing problems, causes, and solutions.
? Vision: 20/20 or restored vision.
? Proven evidence of The Medtronic Traits:
- Global
- Mission values
- Compliance and Integrity
- External focus
- Clear thinking
- Driven to win
- Inspires others
- Executes
- Boundaryless
? Bachelor Degree in Engineering or equivalent
先健科技(深圳)有限公司 成立于1999年,屬國家三類醫療器械生產企業,2008年被評為首批國家級高新技術企業。經過十年的持續快速發展,先健科技作為國內一流的微創介入醫療器械制造商和相關疾病治療方案的提供者,已成長為中國介入醫療器械研制領域的領軍企業,為推動中國醫療事業的發展做出了卓越的貢獻。
先健科技在全球范圍內吸納優秀的技術及管理人才加盟,公司30%以上的人員從事技術研發工作,特聘了醫學等各學科專家顧問數十人,穩步推行“產、學、研”緊密結合的高新技術企業發展模式,建立了完善的自主創新機制。公司完成了國家“十五”科技攻關課題“先天性心臟病介入治療器械的研制”并獲得廣東省科學技術一等獎,承擔多項國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973)及國家高技術研究發展計劃(863)專題項目。公司目前已提交國內外專利申請近七十項,累計獲得授權四十多項,其中獲得中國、美國、歐洲授權的發明專利十幾項。公司通過了iso 13485質量體系認證,公司的主導產品腔靜脈濾器及生物陶瓷asd\\vsd\\pda封堵器系列產品通過歐盟ce認證。
廣東相關職位: 市場推廣經理 醫藥信息溝通經理(廣州) 銷售總監 醫藥招商經理 質量管理部部長 固體車間主任 設備管理員 質量負責人 商采總監 工藝員
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
廣東招聘企業: 中山大學附屬第一醫院 廣東奧博藥業有限公司 廣州肯愛醫藥生物技術有限公司 珠海柯諾醫療科技有限公司 廣東宏健醫療器械有限公司 貴州益佰制藥股份有限公司 深圳華聲醫療技術有限公司 廣州市天河區棠下街社區衛生服務中心 廣東聯合亞太食品藥品物流股份有限公司 廣東聯合亞太食品藥品物流股份有限公司
職位發布日期: 2015-07-16