Emerging Countries Marketing Strategy
??Emerging Countries Marketing Strategy
Internship: Emerging Countries Marketing Strategy
6 months minimum from Oct 2012, in Shanghai
bioMérieux, a global leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics of microbiology, infectious diseases and food safety is looking for a Marketing Assistant in its subsidiary in Shanghai to participate in innovating in new markets in emerging countries and to identify new business opportunities.
- All product ranges covered by bioMerieux
- Emerging countries (E8): China, India, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, South Africa, Indonesia, Turkey
- To define marketing strategy for a co-marketing project in China
- To design and launch market research in E8
- To collect, consolidate and analyze sales and marketing data of key emerging countries
- To coordinate with different departments of E8 countries and Corporate
- To research data and information about potential companies for merge, acquisitions or cooperation
- To analyze business and financial risk (due diligence)
-Student in Medecine or from Top school with majors in biosciences, microbiology or clinical laboratory
-Double-degree in business development, marketing strategy or finance is preferred
-Fluency in English is a MUST, fluent in Spanish, Portuguese or Hindi. Knowledge of Chinese a plus
-Very good interpersonal and communicational skills, Autonomy, Creativity
-Good knowledge of Powerpoint and Excel
-Capacity of synthesis and analysis
Based on bioMerieux pay scale, according to education level.
The responsibilities you would be attributed will also depend on your autonomy and your capacity to manage a project
生物梅里埃公司創建于1963年,公司依賴自身的科技研究和工業生產資源,始終致力于開發作為醫療和工業用途的體外診斷產品。 集團專門設計、開發、生產和推廣應用在臨床和工業的系統。生物梅里埃的診斷系統是由試劑、 儀器和軟件組成,主要是為傳染病、工業微生物控制、心血管病和腫瘤病等四個主要策略性領域來設計。
生物梅里埃公司產品有兩個應用領域 : 臨床和工業,臨床市場占總銷售額的85.5%,而工業市場占14.5%。工業的應用主要在食品、藥品和化妝品的微生物分析,增長非常迅速,生物梅里埃是全球體外診斷領域的第八大生產商。
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
上海招聘企業: 百進冠合(海南) 醫療科技有限公司 上海華茂藥業有限公司 上海信誼藥廠有限公司 上海強生制藥 歐姆龍健康醫療(中國)有限公司 青海瑞成藥業(集團)有限公司 上海交通大學醫學院附屬瑞金醫院 復旦大學附屬中山醫院 上海復星醫藥 上海醫藥集團
職位發布日期: 2015-07-21