About GBI
GBI’s portfolio of healthcare industry, provider and patient facing web and mobile applications enable organizations and individuals to make data-driven decisions and communicate more effectively.
GBI’s enterprise intelligence systems, anchored with the flagship pharmaceutical offering SOURCE, provide game-changing transparency and insight into China and Latin America’s pharmaceutical and medical device industries. NAVIS commercial effectiveness tools enhance CRM and optimize SFE, while our mobile health products, notably JiBo, enable brands to connect with physicians at the point of prescription and patients at the point of care. GBI content offerings cover China and LATAM, with more markets in development and include daily news briefs, in-depth analysis and interviews with industry leaders.
Founded in 2002 in Shanghai, GBI is rapidly growing, with a presence in Shanghai, Beijing, London and Washington, DC. Our product offerings span China, Latin America and the US, with more markets in development. GBI is always looking for passionate people who are motivated to impact the healthcare industry and encourage you to get in touch.
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
上海招聘企業: 百進冠合(海南) 醫療科技有限公司 上海華茂藥業有限公司 上海信誼藥廠有限公司 上海強生制藥 歐姆龍健康醫療(中國)有限公司 青海瑞成藥業(集團)有限公司 上海交通大學醫學院附屬瑞金醫院 復旦大學附屬中山醫院 上海復星醫藥 上海醫藥集團
職位發布日期: 2016-08-11