Senior Legal specialist
Job scope:
1.Provides attorney(s) support in all phases of the patent and/or trademark prosecution process, including preparation and electronic filing of application papers, responses to office actions, issue fee payments, application and file wrapper reviews, and other prosecution matters.
2.Responsibilities further include drafting, obtaining and recording assignments, electronic filing of correspondence with SIPO and other agencies as required, collection, compilation and management of all information to be submitted to relevant agencies such as SIPO during prosecution and arrangement of information in proper format.
3.Exhibits ability to carry out the above mentioned prosecution support activities with minimal supervision and with significant attention to detail.
4.Exhibits working knowledge of SIPO and other agency rules and procedures in carrying out above described activities.
5.Assists in management of attorney docket including scheduling regular docket reviews with the assigned attorney to ensure timely filings.
6.Provides assistance to attorney(s) in corresponding with agents, outside patent and trademark counsel and business partners.
7.Exhibits working knowledge of patent and trademark search databases and Patent Department docket management tools, including First-to-File, Attorney Work Bench and Memotech, and illustrates ability to generate reports and effectively manage attorney docket utilizing these tools.
8.With supervision, researches and provides feedback to attorney(s) in connection with patent and trademark matters associated with divestitures and acquisitions, licensing agreements, and other less common, complex matters.
1.Five year above para legal experience in IP firm or agent;
2.Multi task management capability;
3.Good learning agility;
4.Strong communication ability;
5.Good command of English, both written and oral
西安楊森公司獲得眾多獎項和贊譽,比如《財富》雜志評選的“中國最受贊賞的外資企業”及“人力資源經理眼中的熱門雇主”;中國中央電視臺 “2005CCTV中國年度雇主”;CRF評選的2007-2008年度北京地區“中國杰出雇主”;2008年與強生在華公司一起榮獲“第六屆中國大學生最佳雇主獎和進步飛速獎”稱號,和2009年“第七屆中國大學生最佳雇主獎”,并位列醫藥行業第一名。2010年強生在華公司榮獲“第八屆中國大學生最佳雇主制藥/醫療行業最佳雇主第一名”。這是繼上屆強生公司獲得醫藥行業第一名后再次蟬聯這項榮譽。
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
上海招聘企業: 百進冠合(海南) 醫療科技有限公司 上海華茂藥業有限公司 上海信誼藥廠有限公司 上海強生制藥 歐姆龍健康醫療(中國)有限公司 青海瑞成藥業(集團)有限公司 上海交通大學醫學院附屬瑞金醫院 復旦大學附屬中山醫院 上海復星醫藥 上海醫藥集團
職位發布日期: 2016-11-23