Develop and execute product marketing programs to drive business.
Develop branding initiatives that differentiate BU products from competition.
Manage KOLs through integrated platforms, influence them to partner with BU as the clear market leader in a long-term manner.
Support sales team to identify regional opportunities and design associated programs to leverage BU platforms and promote BU products.
Provide regular product trainings to the sales team.
Monitor and report on competitive related activities.
Work with outside agencies in the development of supporting collateral materials such as brochure, selling aids, poster and newsletters, etc.
Conduct rolling forecast on monthly basis and support inventory control.
Bachelor degree is a must, medical degree a plus.
Medical/pharmaceutical/consumer sales & marketing experience 3-5 years.
Product management experience for complex portfolio strongly preferred.
Strong execution skills with meticulous planning.
Outstanding capability on presentation and communication.
Strong team player, ability to influence fellow marketers and sales team.
KOL development and management skills a plus.
Good skill on spoken and written English.
Multi-task management skills.
Frequent travel required.
西安楊森公司獲得眾多獎項和贊譽,比如《財富》雜志評選的“中國最受贊賞的外資企業”及“人力資源經理眼中的熱門雇主”;中國中央電視臺 “2005CCTV中國年度雇主”;CRF評選的2007-2008年度北京地區“中國杰出雇主”;2008年與強生在華公司一起榮獲“第六屆中國大學生最佳雇主獎和進步飛速獎”稱號,和2009年“第七屆中國大學生最佳雇主獎”,并位列醫藥行業第一名。2010年強生在華公司榮獲“第八屆中國大學生最佳雇主制藥/醫療行業最佳雇主第一名”。這是繼上屆強生公司獲得醫藥行業第一名后再次蟬聯這項榮譽。
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
北京招聘企業: 叮當智慧藥房(北京)有限公司 北京久峰潤達生物技術有限公司 北京協和醫院 北京海斯美醫藥技術有限公司 北京策知易咨詢有限公司 北京萬泰生物藥業有限公司 百濟神州 北京凱霖娜國際貿易有限公司好益生醫院分公司 中國生物制藥有限公司 國藥集團工業有限公司
職位發布日期: 2016-11-23