Gateway Assistant / 航站助理(夜班)
1) 負責航班操作和空運操作的相關工作;
2) 根據貨物的時效性和客戶要求,對貨物進行配載平衡和數據的輸入;
3) 負責機組進出境和食宿的跟進協調,負責地勤服務安排和跟進;
4) 協助進出口操作,并與公司內外部進行溝通和信息傳遞;
5) 負責航班的準時率、飛機裝載利用率、最大化裝載和飛行安全工作。
1) 大專以上學歷,有一年以上相關工作經驗者為佳;優秀應屆畢業生亦可;
2) 熟練的英語聽、說、讀、寫能力,需要全英文工作;
3) 熟練操作電腦技能,尤其是Office系列;
4) 能接受并適應長期夜班(約21:00—06:00)。
Let Your Career Take Off With the World39;s Largest Package Delivery Company and the Global Leader in Supply Chain Services
UPS最初作為一家信使公司于1907年在美國成立,現已發展成為一家擁有全球最受尊敬品牌之一、年營業額達數百億美元的公司。我們是世界上最大的快遞承運商與包裹遞送公司,也是提供專業運輸、物流、資本與電子商務服務的全球領導者。每天,我們在世界上 200 多個國家和地域有效管理著物流、資金流與信息流。
Founded in 1907 as a messenger company in the United States, UPS has grown into a multi-billion-dollar corporation with one of the most recognized and admired brands in the world. As the largest express carrier and package delivery company in the world, we are also a leading provider of specialized transportation, logistics, capital, and e-commerce services. Every day we manage the flow of goods, funds and information in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.
No company in the world delivers more packages than UPS, moving more than 14 million packages and documents daily. In addition, UPS also operates one of the 9 largest airlines in the world, manages more than 500,000 ocean shipments annually and processes more than five million U.S. customs entry annually.
UPS commenced business in China in 1988, through a service agreement with Sinotrans. Since then, it has invested heavily in expanding its distribution network in China and providing more package delivery and supply chain services to reach its commitment to find innovative ways that will enable businesses in China to capitalize on global commerce.
The strength of UPS is its people, working together with a common purpose. Although methods, equipment, and procedures are important, and we constantly strive to improve them, our most valuable assets are loyal and capable people. We believe that all our people, and the jobs they perform, can make important contributions to our company. We maintain an environment that enables them to obtain personal satisfaction from their work.
廣東相關職位: 市場推廣經理 醫藥信息溝通經理(廣州) 銷售總監 醫藥招商經理 質量管理部部長 固體車間主任 設備管理員 質量負責人 商采總監 工藝員
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
廣東招聘企業: 中山大學附屬第一醫院 廣東奧博藥業有限公司 廣州肯愛醫藥生物技術有限公司 珠海柯諾醫療科技有限公司 廣東宏健醫療器械有限公司 貴州益佰制藥股份有限公司 深圳華聲醫療技術有限公司 廣州市天河區棠下街社區衛生服務中心 廣東聯合亞太食品藥品物流股份有限公司 廣東聯合亞太食品藥品物流股份有限公司
職位發布日期: 2016-11-28