Principal Statistical Programmer
At PAREXEL, we believe that the power to work independently and intelligently should be yours every day.
Your ability to understand our clients’ needs and achieve quality results is critical to our reputation as one of the best clinical research organizations (CROs) in the world. Be part of our empowered PAREXEL Statistical Programming team and contribute to our high performance approach.
An exciting and rewarding opportunity has arisen to join our international team as a
to contribute to meaningful advances that benefit patients in need.
As a Principal Statistical Programmer you will be recognized as a subject matter expert, providing technical support and expert advice to internal and external sponsors. PAREXEL will provide you with the perfect opportunity to expand on your experiences and develop new skills in a stimulating work environment
? Ability to fill Primary Statistical Programmer role on projects. The Primary Statistical Programmer will:
o Input into and negotiate statistical programming timelines. Ensure that timelines are adhered to.
o Coordinate and lead a statistical programming team to successful completion of a study within given timelines and budget.
o Monitor project resourcing, project budgets, and identify changes in scope.
? Provide a broad range of leadership and influencing capabilities to achieve the business objectives and goals for both PAREXEL and sponsors.
? Provide oversight and guidance on multiple-trial programs, complex trials, and submission projects (including Integrated Summaries of Safety/Efficacy).
? Proactively participate in and/or lead process/quality improvement initiatives.
*Job Qualifications
KEY SKILLS include:
? Extensive knowledge and understanding of the programming and reporting process.
? Ability to learn new systems and function in an evolving technical environment
? Ability to successfully work together with a (“virtual”) team (including international teams as required) as well as independently.
? Strong project management skills.
? Show commitment to and perform consistently high quality work
Starting your journey with PAREXEL comes along with an extensive induction program and ongoing training while following your individual career path. We have been recognized as a 2015 “Training Top 125” by Training Magazine for our excellence in employer-sponsored training and development programs.
On your PAREXEL journey, you will be involved in database programming efforts related to medical coding for clinical trials, you will work in cross-functional teams, and with managers who know your strengths. If you’re looking for flexibility and work-life balance, we’re here to listen and help you move forward with your individual career path.
There are pivotal moments in every career: Sharing new treatments. Improving processes. Delivering life-saving advances. The people who succeed are the ones who make the journey go further and faster every time. If you’re looking to collaborate with life science industry leaders, gain exposure to industry changing technology, and find the security of a role within a global CRO join a team that will help you move forward with your individual career path.
國際精鼎科技股份有限公司(APEX International Clinical Research Co., Ltd. ), 成立于1996年,系協助世界各國大藥廠從事新藥開發及臨床試驗的臨床研究委托機構(Contract Research Organization)。
? 新藥開發策略的擬定與計劃
? 國際臨床試驗規劃及整合
? 引薦、甄選試驗計劃主持人
? 受試者同意書之設計
? 人體試驗委員會之送審
? 最高衛生主管機關之送審
? 臨床試驗護理專員
? 臨床研究數據處理
? 向亞洲地區衛生主管機關辦理新藥查驗登記事務
? 中草藥及健康食品臨床試驗、法規咨詢及查驗登記
1 爭取國際大藥廠委托,執行符合國際水準的跨國性臨床試驗。
2 協助亞太生技及制藥產業建立新藥開發模式,以提升產品研發能力,幷促使產品國際化。
3 以提升臨床試驗品質為宗旨,拓展全球市場為目標,整合計算機及通訊科技,在國際上提供客戶兼具成本效益及效率的臨床試驗數據處理中心。
4 建立一個以亞洲人種高發生率疾病的基因數據庫,以提供國際性新藥研發機構所須之基因信息,協助其縮短藥物開發時程,幷提高研發成功率。
1. 提供具競爭性之薪資(含車補及飯補)
1. 社會保險(依照國家規定)及住房公積金
2. 團體保險(包括壽險、意外暨醫療保險)
1. 學習發展計劃 (Learning & Development): 針對個別員工之專業及興趣,設計符合其個人之生涯規劃
2. 完整的教育訓練:每年公司均針對所有員工,提供完整之教育訓練
3. 順暢的升遷管道及可轉調其它部門;如有職缺,亦可申請調至海外各子公司
.請 / 休假制度:
1. 服務第一年即享有9天特休, 后續年休假天數則依據服務年資及公司制度而定
2. 一年可享4天不扣薪病假
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
上海招聘企業: 百進冠合(海南) 醫療科技有限公司 上海華茂藥業有限公司 上海信誼藥廠有限公司 上海強生制藥 歐姆龍健康醫療(中國)有限公司 青海瑞成藥業(集團)有限公司 上海交通大學醫學院附屬瑞金醫院 復旦大學附屬中山醫院 上海復星醫藥 上海醫藥集團
職位發布日期: 2016-12-09