我們因愛孕育現代科技與人本的婦產醫院,創建先進醫療兼容人性自然的母嬰醫療服務體系。本著對世界前沿醫療品質傳承與超越的原則,秉承JCI國際醫院標準,致力成為具有酒店風格(Hotel-style)兼具家庭溫馨(Home-warm)的全人醫療照護(Holistic care)的3H醫院,為浙江地區婦嬰提供高品質醫療服務。
以FCWI(Full Care for Women & Infants)的服務理念,為母嬰的身體、心靈提供全人醫療照護;在準媽媽大學、月子會所、健康評估、產后康復等特需服務中,處處愛由心生,使您和寶寶倍感尊崇照顧與呵護。
In Hangzhou, a beautiful city full of educated and talented people, AIMA is born with love.
AIMA is a maternity hospital with advanced medical technology and a top quality International caring staff, a place for women and infant medical care. AIMA Maternity hospital uses state-of-the-art medical equipment and implements international medical standards such as JCI. Our goal is to offer 5 star hotel-style service and a warm family 3H hospital environment with full holistic care to Zhejiang province.
In Hangzhou, there is attractive scenery; and, in AIMA, all the attractive details will give you precious memories.
Here in AIMA, you can enjoy a classical European style. Here you can feel service integrated with a modern and fashionable essence. Here you can feel considerate personal care from our medical experts, private chamberlain service team, 5 star hotel service management, and respectful service. All of our aspects present with international flavor.
In an atmosphere of returning nature and maternal love to delivery, we provide a special LDR delivery room and water birthing capability. We are dedicated to provide excellent customer service at all times, together with a cup of warm and fragrant coffee, tender smiles and loving care.
Our service philosophy is FCWI(Full Care for Women & Infants). This means we offer full medical care during maternity, both physical and mental health. In our Expectant Parents University we offer health evaluation, educational training classes, postpartum recovery services and many other wonderful surprises that you and your baby enjoy together.
At Hangzhou AIMA maternity and infant hospital, we promise to integrate personal care with international medical care.
浙江相關職位: KA代表 KA代表 KA代表 KA代表 培訓講師 醫藥信息溝通經理 醫藥信息溝通經理(杭州) 商務內勤 KA代表 學術推廣經理
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
浙江招聘企業: 浙江佐力藥業股份有限公司 河南宛東藥業有限公司 杭州安杰思醫學科技有限公司 浙江中法制藥有限公司 貴州益佰制藥股份有限公司 福成堂大藥房 杭州杏園科技有限公司 杭州諾康醫療器械有限公司 浙江正京元大藥房連鎖有限公司 杭州明興生物科技有限公司
職位發布日期: 2017-04-13