臨床助理--CTA for Chiltern(A Covance company)
Clinical Trial Administrator (CTA) performs study-related tasks as required by the Department, including (but not limited to): communicate with Project Manager and members of the project team regarding study updates, maintain documentation as required by protocols, SOPs and regulatory standards, to ensure timely production of high quality clinical data, provide system’s support, track information related to the status of study activities and assist with general administrative functions as required.
Clinical Trials Administrator- 1(Entry)
1. Documenting and tracking study activities using relevant forms and tools, as well as relevant Project Management System with guidance/support.
2. Assist in the preparation of study site files in accordance with relevant SOPs.
3. Create and main contact list of study team members, study sites, and external suppliers/contract organizations.
4. Assist with minute taking and documentation for sponsor/external or internal teleconferences.
5. Assist in setting up and maintaining tracking systems for e.g. study supplies and investigator payments.
6. Assist in the tracking and filing of documents for all clinical studies into Chiltern’s global database.
7. Perform other duties as required by the Department or Project Team.
8. Liaise with all other Chiltern departments to ensure the smooth running of the study.
Clinical Trials Administrator- 2(Experienced)
1. Document and track study activities using relevant forms and tools, as well as Chiltern’s Project Management System.
2. Prepare study site files in accordance with relevant SOPs.
3. Create and main contact list of study team members, study sites, and external suppliers/contract organizations.
4. Minute taking and create documentation for sponsor or internal teleconferences.
5. Maintain tracking systems for study supplies and investigator payments.
6. Assist in the tracking and filing of documents for all clinical trials into Chiltern’s global database.
7. Support Investigator Meetings.
8. May support in mentoring less experienced CTAs on project or department tasks and requirements.
9. Liaise with all other Chiltern departments to ensure the smooth running of the study.
10. Perform other duties as required by the Department or Project Team.
Clinical Trials Administrator- 3 (Senior)
1. Liaise with all other Chiltern departments to ensure the smooth running of the study.
2. Document and track study activities using relevant forms and tools, as well as Chiltern’s Project Management System.
3. Prepare study site files in accordance with relevant SOPs.
4. Create and maintain contact list of study team members, study sites, and external suppliers/contract organizations.
5. Minute taking and create documentation for sponsor or internal teleconferences.
6. Maintain tracking systems for study supplies and investigator payments.
7. Support Investigator Meetings.
8. May support in mentoring less experienced CTAs on project or department tasks and requirements.
9. May assist the Line Manager with interviews for candidates for the CTA role.
10. Perform other duties as required by the Department or Project Team
科文斯,全球性的合同研究組織(CRO)Covance Inc.是全球服務最全面的藥物研發公司。
我們致力于推動醫療保健事業發展并實現Solutions Made Real?,通過向制藥公司和生物科技公司提供高質量的非臨床、臨床前試驗、臨床和商業化服務,幫助減少藥物研發的時間和成本。憑借豐富的經驗與深厚知識,我們具備獨特的優勢,能為客戶合作伙伴提供不僅僅局限于測試的獨到見解。
科文斯官網: https://www.covance.com/
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
上海招聘企業: 百進冠合(海南) 醫療科技有限公司 上海華茂藥業有限公司 上海信誼藥廠有限公司 上海強生制藥 歐姆龍健康醫療(中國)有限公司 青海瑞成藥業(集團)有限公司 上海交通大學醫學院附屬瑞金醫院 復旦大學附屬中山醫院 上海復星醫藥 上海醫藥集團
職位發布日期: 2018-07-20