Sterile QA Assistant Engineer
- To evaluate the batch production record of sterile products, in-process record
- Issue the QE report of sterile products
- Contribution on DDS as QA representative
- Support IPC function
- Facilitate and support key business processes on behalf of QA in sterile process
- Promote the continuous development of Quality Assurance for sterile process at Wuxi site
- To investigate the deviation/OOS/ Complaints on-site and assess the impact to quality
- Assist QA Sr. engineer to propose actions and recommendations for affected batches
- Develop actions to correct and prevent recurrence
- Track actions to completion
- Daily site inspection in the view of QA
- Support to Quality Compliance Group
- SHE responsibilities
- University graduate, major in pharmaceutical or related subjects
- 3 years of working experience in pharmaceutical companies for sterile products
- Good GMP and quality system management knowledge, and pharmaceutical knowledge
- Good English
- Good Computer skill
- Good communication skills and strong service minds
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2. 本公司所有招聘均通過直接面談、電話溝通、EMAIL(以@astrazeneca.com為后綴)方式進行。
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[展開全文] [收縮全文]江蘇相關職位: KA代表 培訓講師 培訓講師 醫藥信息溝通經理 醫藥信息溝通經理 醫藥信息溝通經理(南京,鎮江,揚州,泰州) 醫藥信息溝通經理(南京,鎮江,揚州,泰州) 醫藥信息溝通經理(南京,鎮江,揚州,泰州) 醫藥信息溝通經理(南京,鎮江,揚州,泰州) 醫藥信息溝通經理(蘇州,無錫,常州)
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
江蘇招聘企業: 吉林萬通藥業集團藥品經銷有限公司 江蘇吉貝爾藥業有限公司 魚躍醫療 徐州新沂市鐘吾醫院 麗珠醫藥集團股份有限公司 無錫道生中醫文化發展有限公司 廣東眾生藥業股份有限公司蘇北辦事處 江蘇大豐同仁醫院 江蘇南中醫豐盛健康城有限公司 江蘇南京溧水區中醫院
職位發布日期: 2019-04-16