Travel Risk Manager - 00358
A. Overall Purpose of the Job
To provide day-to-day delivery of high quality written and verbalChinese or English language security and crisis management advice andconsultancy services to travellers, expatriates and corporate security managerson a routine basis and in response to emergencies.
B. Key Responsibilities
Client Support
Coordinate the delivery of security services in China including theprovision of advice to clients by phone and email, the activation of providersin support of clients and the evacuation of members during a crisis
Develop and maintain close interaction with clients through theprovision of advice and assistance and supporting client visits to theAssistance Centre(s). Provide briefings to visitors as part of the visitprogram. Build confidence in clients through effective delivery and knowledgeof regional threat issues
Deliver Personal Travel Security Awareness Training (PTSAT) sessions toclients in Chinese or English to ensurethey are aware of the services available to them through membership and thatthey are appropriately prepared to travel
Deliver other types of consultancy service to clients as required
Information & Assessments
Scan for, report and escalate security or disruption issues affectingbusiness travellers in line with global reporting thresholds and guidance fromRegional Security Information Manager RSIM) and Coordinating Security InformationManagers (CSIMs)
Support the development of our information services by providing inputand support to the Regional Security Information Manager, CSIMs and Editors,ensuring that corresponding country and city guides are reviewed as required
Operational Support
On occasion and as required travel to countries of responsibility toassess current situation, local provider capabilities and expanding theexisting network of contacts to further support clients
In specific circumstances, be ready to deploy at short notice as part ofan Incident Management Team to support clients in crisis situations
Build and manage through SPIN a network of high quality security serviceproviders throughout the region
Assist in the development and maintenance of APAC CONOPs
Business Development support
Assist business development through support to key client meetings andevents
Translations or coordination of translation work of security reports,marketing materials, operational documentation and other information fromEnglish to Chinese and Chinese to English
Personal Development
Learn the approach to providing written and verbal travel advice andbriefs to clients
Build thorough understanding of current events affecting regional /global business travel
Become fully conversant with and follow all systems and proceduresrequired by the Client Liaison Director China, Regional Security OperationsManager and Regional Security Informations Manager.
C. Job Profile
Required Skills and Knowledge
International SOS is one of the largest medical assistance companies
in the world. It has more than a decade of experiences in delivering
medical services worldwide. International SOS has run its business
in China since 1989. We offer medical and technical support services
to those living and traveling outside their home countries and
provide health care management, customer assistance programs and
security services to clients.
Currently International SOS is seeking the staff who is interested
in working in an international company.
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
北京招聘企業: 叮當智慧藥房(北京)有限公司 北京久峰潤達生物技術有限公司 北京協和醫院 北京海斯美醫藥技術有限公司 北京策知易咨詢有限公司 北京萬泰生物藥業有限公司 百濟神州 北京凱霖娜國際貿易有限公司好益生醫院分公司 中國生物制藥有限公司 國藥集團工業有限公司
職位發布日期: 2019-05-27